
I am extremely pleased with my hygienist, Amy. She is so thorough and gives me great care. Every time I ask if I will lose my teeth, she reminds me that they are always the patient's advocate and do their best to keep our original teeth. Also, she is very helpful with new products.

Kim, Grand Blanc

I want people to know about the gift I was given, free implants. I used to have so much trouble with my lower denture, now I can eat everything I want. I do not event notice that they are in all the time.
I would just like to give my deepest amount of thanks to Dr. Boutros, Dr. Jarjoura and their staff. They are the greatest.

Karon Husocki, Grand Blanc

Hi Kelly, It was a please to see you and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for you excellent
help on my dental insurance. You are a great asset to your company.
I look forward to seeing you in the near future. In the meantime, enjoy your day and keep that great smile.

Julia, Grand Blanc